When is the dog happy? Children choose in which picture the dog feels comfortable. This game teaches children about the basic need of access to fresh water and the right temperature.
The boards show dressed dogs. The task of the children is to guess where they are going and what they will do. The boards can also be used for physical games, where children will imitate the activities shown in the pictures.
During the game, we introduce children to the former world of dogs. We tell them how in the past individual dog breeds helped people and what abilities they had. We teach the diversity of dog breeds and characters, tell curiosities related to the history of a given breed. We develop curiosity and knowledge.
The boards show the mistakes made while taking care of the dog. We teach children that dogs have their rights and must not be hurt. The boards also point out that a dog is not a toy, it cannot live on a short chain, it does not tolerate heat, it should not eat human food. By playing, we develop empathy in children, we pay attention to the fact that...
The children's task is to say the position of the dog in relation to the kennel. Children can also reproduce these situations for example at the chair.
The task of children is to match things needed by dogs and things that people use. The boards teach that dogs and people have different needs. We teach how to classify dog accessories, sensitize to dog needs, develop speech and thinking.