Dogs are trying to communicate with us. Some of our behaviors can be interpreted by a dog completely differently than by us. Our cordial hugs with a loved one, by the dog can be read as aggressive behavior and he may feel anxiety in such a situation. Based on the boards, we can show children when and why the dog feels uncomfortable in our company.
Cartons with photos of dogs that can be matched to the Dogs Album mats. Cartons can also be used for games about dog breeds, developing perceptiveness and attention.
The boards show products that are harmful to the dog and which the dog can eat. The task of children is to divide what the dog can eat and what is not harmful to him.
The boards show the construction of a German Shepherd, internal organs and skeletal system.
A short picture story, thanks to which we can discuss the topic of cleaning poop dogs with children. Dog droppings on squares or streets pose a threat to human health and even life. In a simple way we show that cleaning dog poop is not so scary :)
The boards show how to care for a dog's hygiene. We teach children what duties are associated with having a dog. Combing, trimming claws, bathing, brushing teeth. We introduce children to the dog world and teach responsibility.